Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Why All the Fuss About January's Full Moon?

Your Soul Café: Conversations that Open Hearts and Inspire Actions
"Moonshine  Skyway" over Tampa Bay by James Boone
Where there is a woman, there is magic. If there is a moon falling from her mouth, she is a woman who knows her magic, who can share, or not share, her powers…"
~Ntzozake Shange, Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo

Why all the fuss about the moon on Sunday night, January 20? 

There are four rare, celestial reasons to consider including:
1) Moon, as I call her, will celebrate the New Year in her splendiferous fullness for the first time. January’s normal moon name is the Full Wolf Moon which refers to the hungry, howling wolf packs during winter according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

2) There’s more. Moon will experience a rare, total lunar eclipse. This means that an alignment of the Earth’s orbit while passing between Sister Moon and Brother Sun, causes a moon shadow painting her with a reddish hue—thus, the name Blood Moon. This won’t happen again until May 26, 2021.

3) Moon is also called “Super” at this time as her orbit is the closest to our earth, so she’ll be showing off by beaming brighter and larger than usual.

4) Selenophiles--moon lovers and lunatics--will be able to see this magical, moon trifecta!

These lunar energies make it the perfect time to write and create. Be a "woman of magic" who taps into and shares her power.

Sheeesh! It’s a mouthful to say that the 
Full Moon is the Super Wolf Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse.

"Blood Moon over Zakim" (bridge), Boston by Joann Vitali
Where and when is it best to see this rare sky-party?
Here are the times and dates for the rare, total lunar eclipse:

Tampa Bay - January 20, 11:42 pm  (starts)
Los Angeles – January 20, 9:16 pm
New York – January 21, 12:16 am 
London – January 21, 5:16 am
Delhi – January 21, 10:46 am
Sydney – January 21, 4:16 pm

What can you expect in the days ahead?
With Valentine's Day approaching, this unique Full Moon, according to Mystical Raven, might bring about some surprising ways that could impact your zodiac sign:

* Aries: Major romantic developments (even an engagement or pregnancy) or a burst of creative genius that could become profitable in 2019
* Taurus: News from a family member or changes at home, from a renovation to a relocation
* Gemini: Major shifts with your friend circle or the launching of a powerful partnership
* Cancer: Money-making opportunities or a well-deserved promotion
* Leo: Catapulting your talents and hard work of the past two years into the public eye.
* Virgo: Helping you forgive a frenemy or gain closure on a painful situation. Bye!
* Libra: Connecting you to your “soul squad,” boosting popularity
* Scorpio: Drawing in high-profile career opportunities and leadership positions at work
* Sagittarius: Bringing a long-distance opportunity or a chance to travel
* Capricorn: Deepening your connection to one special soul—and maybe breaking you away from a toxic relationship elsewhere
* Aquarius: Revealing the right—and wrong partners for you
* Pisces: Kicking wellness resolutions into high gear, taking on more leadership at work.

"Blood Moon" by Mike Oria
…A woman with a moon falling from her mouth, roses between her legs and tiaras of Spanish moss, this woman is a consort of the Spirits.
~Ntzozake Shange, Sassafrass, Cypress and Indigo

Related readings:
* 6 Ways to Celebrate the Full Thunder Moon (Several release activities, helpful to use at this time.)
 * How to Use the Full Moon to Write
Celebrating the success of Sister Writers Debra Reble and others (me included) in today's launch of...
Be sure to grab your copy of Soul-Hearted Living today!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Very cool, i didn't realize there was quite so much happening all at one with Moon! Thank you for the post!
    (I call her "lady moon")=)

  3. If the weather predictions are correct, we will be having a snow storm when the moon would be visible from where I am on Sunday night. Nevertheless, I will be sure to set aside some time for meditation, deep reflection,and journaling!

  4. I love the much good energies through it...the eclipse makes it extra special. I remember back in October 2014 I chased the moon from the time it rose, through the blood moon eclipse & into morning as it was setting. It was a fabulous time not only witnessing it but capturing it all in photographs.
    p.s. so excited about Debra's book and having contributed my own personal quotes to it as well!


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