Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Thank you to the Women with the Power to ...


The #45 presidency began with women marching in record numbers. Now it’s going to end with women voting in record numbers."

Before the fray of reporting begins to report the epic conclusion of a Blue Tsunami, I pause to thank several women, to give praise, and to offer a HELL, YEAH! to:

·        All Suffragettes who, 100 years ago, gained the right to vote for women. The United States Congress passed the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting women full and equal voting rights on August 26, 1920, when we commemorate this right with National Women’s Equality Day. 

·        Suffragette visionary activists like Susan Brownell Anthony, Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Martha Wright, Mary Ann McClintock, and Jane Hunt. (https://bit.ly/2HZuJ0d)

·        All modern-day activists as Facebook group organizers with passionate members whom I’ve been honored to be a part of like Nasty Women for Biden-Harris and Florida Women for Biden-Harris.

·        Everyone who courageously and fearlessly VOTED BLUE; college students driving or  flying hours home to vote; pregnant women standing inline for hours while holding a toddler’s hand; the centenarians+, nonagenarians, octogenarians, and of course, YOU, too!

·        Republicans like Cindy McCain, wife of former Senator John McCain, reclaiming democracy by voting Democratic.

·        Organizations like Act Blue and the Lincoln Project.

·        Donors, oh, God Bless all the donors, including the billionaires like Mike Bloomberg.

·        Lauren McLaughlin and our group of eight women who for one month have been affirming and holding in mediation this phrase: The Highest and best good for our beautiful nation is now assured. Amen

·        The women (and men) medical heroes who’ve been fighting the COVID-19 battle for almost nine months and remain on the frontline, working to help thousands recover.

·        The women (and men) of the USPS for hanging in there, rain or shine to deliver our mail and our votes! You are my forever heroes! (https://bit.ly/38ajigO)

 Then there are specific women whose shoulders we stood on, and now stand on:

RGB. Yes, “Tell them Ruth sent you” to the polls.  We did and we are today, Ruth. RIP—Rest in Peace. We’ve got this! (https://bit.ly/3elsfVG)

·      Kamala Harris, the next Madame Vice President. I can’t imagine the juggernaut schedule of campaigning, threatened bodily harm, hate mail, and exhaustion she’s moved through to be with us so that others can stand on her shoulders. So that every little girl has a place at the table, a voice, vote, and will never have to say, “I’M SPEAKING,” to any man, or anyone. (https://bit.ly/3oPuqWh)

·        Her committed, talented staff and family for supporting her 24/7.

 What women (and men) are you thanking today who’ve joined you on this Blue Wave Adventure?

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