Friday, May 22, 2020

Soul Comfort for Cat & Dog Lovers

“A piece of my heart is at the Rainbow Bridge.” ~Anon
Do you honor and celebrate the Rainbow Bridge Anniversary of your furry ones? 
I do.
Sasha Kitty, my precious muse, left her fursuit five years ago today.
Today’s shrine to celebrate Sasha Kitty. (L-r) Memory box with cremated remains; ceramic votive with her favorite cat food, a Love candle, Angel Kitty, and photo of us.
Through a kind and gentle demeanor, she inspired early morning writing that landed in half a dozen books. After she died in 2015 and still grieving, I wrote a story that appeared in 365 Moments of Grace, a collaborative work that became a #1 Amazon International Bestseller. (Published July 27, 2016, by DandiLove Unlimited.)
Divine Dialogue With Sasha Kitty

Mom and I left the vet’s office that night drowning in a sea of grief. The decision was made to end Sasha Kitty’s suffering. While struggling to drive home through torrential tears, I heard, “I left something for you.” It was Sasha Kitty. She repeated herself two more times.
The next morning, still grieving, and still wondering what the “something” was that she had left for me, my soul craved comforting. I started my spiritual practice of Divine Dialogue Writing. As I had done for years, I invoked the angels, asking: “What do I need to know for my best and highest good now regarding Sasha Kitty?”

After shuffling the Doreen Virtue Angel Cards, I pulled the All Is Well card with this message from Archangel Jeremiel: “Everything is happening exactly as it is supposed to be with hidden blessings you will soon understand.” At that moment, Mom walked into my bedroom. She wondered what angel message I’d received. So I showed her, and she exclaimed that she’d got the exact same angel oracle card that night!

Repeating the same question as before, I drew another card, and got Hello from Heaven! with Archangel Azrael. His message: “Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries and embrace their loving blessings.” A quiet whisper followed: “Sasha wants to work with your guardian angels to help you be peaceful, so watch for other signs from Heaven.”

Two weeks later, I pulled the All is Well card again. “You’re too funny, Sasha Kitty,” I mused. “The All is Well card was just returned to the deck; I’ve had it sitting on my desk since you left. Now it shows up again! Did you know it’s the two-week anniversary of your new cat adventure?”

“I know,” I heard her whisper.
“I miss you.”
“I know,” she said.
“Hope all is well.”
“It is. Chirp.” (Her sweet acknowledgment sound.)
 So, what was the “something” Sasha Kitty left for me? It was the unwrapped gift of knowing that life continues after death. She’s just in another room--for where there’s love, communication continues…even with the furry, four-footed ones!

P.S. Today’s card, Rainbow Blessings offered this timely message: “Blessings are showering your life.” It comes from the Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards by Denise Linn.
I think not. 
How about Divine synchronicity?
From the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, Sasha Kitty continues to bless me with happy memories as we connect through Divine Dialogue Writing. 

Her presence inspires me to remember, reflect, and write something new.
“Let’s write something together like we used to do. What do you say?”
“I hope you like this blog. I pray you crossed over the Rainbow Bridge five years ago, knowing that you were deeply loved.”
How I now imagine Sasha Kitty--still musing while dreaming of seagulls, or maybe angels?
Photo Art by Christine Ellger Tutt.

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  1. I've always believed that after you lose a precious pet or animal friend, you will see a tiny white butterfly. I saw one just a few days after Charlotte passed only this one had a caramel stripe down the middle that matched the same color fur on her tummy. She flew around me in a happy circle before leading me home from my walk. I know she was telling me that she was ok up in heaven with her kitty brother and sisters, and my Dad who takes care of all our family pets. I still cried, but they were more tears of joy for her than sadness for me.

  2. My very lovey dog Brandon passed away March 22nd 2008. When I lived in Colorado I would eat bacon and go snowshoeing in his memory. In remembrance of my last trip with him before he died. I was sad that he died before I bought a house. I had him for 17 years and I always promised him a yard one day. 2 years ago I had a little ceremony for him before I left Colorado because I wasn’t sure when I would have a house again. But now that I am here in Florida with a yard he would have loved I think I need to do something in his memory. Our pets are such a big part of our lives and I miss the heck out of my cute little Brandon. This is making want to sis out his pictures from the boxes in the garage.

  3. I’m still coming to terms with my sweetheart schnauzer Claudia’s passing. I think that I’ll try to focus on writing more about her. As well as Suki my blue Russian and my previous brown standard poodle Ruby and my other sacred heart loved ones


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