Thursday, April 2, 2020

23 Humorous Memes Sure to Make You Laugh!

"Where there is laughter, there is healing." ~Anon

The purpose of this blog post is to offer some laughter. Hopefully, you might grin or giggle for a commercial break from our "new normal."

Your comment at the end about which meme accomplished this goal would be welcome and appreciated--plus an update on how you're doing.

To get you laughing, enjoy the toilet paper memes!

Then, there's the stay at home giggles...

Or the parents transformed into homeschoolers...

Miscellaneous stuff

And finally, the Prayer for Protection that I'm lifting up for you, our country and world...

Be well, stay well. Stay home! We're all in this together!
Mom and I modeling the first masks we made; 50+ more were made since then!


  1. I love the toilet paper earrings! Sure to be an ancient treasure. Thank you so much for the smiles this morning Lore. Very much needed :)

    1. You're so welcome. I might have to buy a pair of those TP earrings. LOL

  2. Thank you Lore for the soul giggles today! I needed them and shared your post so others in the world can giggle too. Laughter eases the stress of these challening times. Much love

    1. You're so welcome...happy to supply some soul-giggles. YES, we need more! Hugs & much love backatcha,

  3. Replies
    1. You're welcome. I was finding that I was reposting the same info over and over, and so this blog helps me...and hopefully, others, too!

  4. Hilarious! Thanks for the research and sharing. Laughed out loud!


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