Wednesday, December 7, 2016

6 Ideas for Gifting the Miracle of Unwrapped Presents

What are you gifting this holy season of love and light?

Over the years, family and friends taught me the value of giving and receiving “unwrapped pressies” as we call them. The reasons are many:
They...don't involve the exchange of money; can be given anytime, anywhere to anyone while saving on wrapping and postage and; do connect the head to the heart. 
The list to give these kinds of gifts to loved ones and yourself can be as long as the “to buy list.”

If you haven’t mindfully engaged in this practice, you’re invited to become a Changel--someone who lets go of the familiar way of gift giving and embraces the changes of the unknown with trust and open-heartedness.

Your new mantle blends the best of two words, change + angel. Sure, shopping for and giving gift cards may be what you did before… and how about doing something different this year?

Here are six ideas for gifting the miracle of unwrapped presents:

On December 6, Saint Nicholas Day, the “Miracle Mindset” issue of Aspire Magazine arrived in inboxes everywhere!  Please enjoy these excerpts from my feature story, “Four Secret Gifts from the Three Wise Women for Birthing Miracles.”

Three of the four, secret unwrapped gifts include:

1. “From the Wise Maiden-Woman on the wings of Sparrow is the first secret gift: Open your heart to everything and everyone as being a miracle.

Rewind and consider once again experiencing your world with childlike wonder.”

2. “From the Wise Mother-Woman on the wings of Eagle is the second secret gift: Create sacred space, a room at the inner inn. 

You do this by writing an AAA List -- Always Advance Appreciation List.”

3. "From the Wise Crone-Woman on the wings of Owl is the third secret gift: Be mindful of how your expectation for miracles now appears. 

You expand on the two first secret gifts to expect and see only H.U.G.S. or Happy Unexpected God Surprises. Miracles that once seemed like only rare events, now appear as your daily norm.”
Art: Shiloh Sophia

Additional “unwrapped pressie” ideas include:

 4. Write a love letter. My dear friend, Joy Siren, said, “If I WERE to write a (Christmas) letter it would most likely be all about the party I was writing to (as opposed to being about me). I'd let them know how much I appreciate them and why...and I'd ask about specific things in their life, how they're enjoying their journey, what's been making their toes wiggle lately...that sort of thing." 

5. Call a prayer ministry to invite prayers for loved ones. This could be a call to a place like Silent Unity, a 125-year old prayer ministry. (I’ve called them for 34 years.) Call 1-800-NOW-PRAY, always free, 365/24/7. They'll send an email that includes your name and the person prayed for; what a lovely email to forward!

6. Radiate love during meditation or a walking meditation. Make a list of everyone you love or like, and also a list of people you don’t love or like. I use the Pink Heart Meditation: First, put your hand on your heart. Breathe. Then see a pink ribbon in figure 8's being woven around your heart, crossing to the center of the person in mind, circling their heart, and returning to your heart. Repeat 8x.

Embrace change as something fresh and fun! As you welcome change, you are able to make the best choices at each moment. 

Congratulations on your new role as a Changel who gifts unwrapped pressies!

P.S. Not a subscriber to Aspire Magazine? Claim your free subscription today for instant access to the new issue, the sacred archives, AND over 40 transformational gifts. Click here> to peek inside the "Miracle Mindset" issue! Once you’ve subscribed, you’ll receive an email with access to the full issue—including my feature story.

P.P.S. In October, I recognized my heart’s yearning to return to Bali. So, I set the intention to design and deliver two women’s writing retreats. The first one is in my backyard on April 23-28, 2017. Want to join us at the Treasure Island Beach Writer’s Retreat: Recharge Your Body, Mind & Creative Soul? Save the dates for October 24-November 5, 2017 for the Bali Readers & Writer's Retreat!

Copyright Lore Raymond, 2016. No portion of the blog post or information on this site may be reprinted, re-used or copied to another site without prior written permission from the author.


  1. Awesome post! I love your Pink Heart Meditation. Thank you for sharing this, I am grateful for your magical thoughts

  2. Wonderful ideas Lore- these are priceless!

  3. I love the idea of radiating love and light out to the world during meditation. I often include loving kindness mediation into my daily practice and love the idea that I am a changel spreading unwrapped gifts. Thank you Lore for the inspiration and ideas!

    1. You're so welcome. And you are indeed a CHANGEL, Kelley.

  4. Sign me up! I wish to be a Changel! What a beautiful post, Lore. I got chills reading it. Thank you, Changel!

  5. Love, love, love the child like wonder. Xoxo

    1. Ahhh, thanks, Natasha...thought you might! You'll have to read the full article and let me know what you think, OK?

  6. I love the idea of being a Changel :)

  7. I love this, Lore! The best gifts are unwraped!

    1. Sorry for the delay in replying, Ruthie. I agree...unwrapped pressies rock!

  8. Love this list! I can see myself in several of them, especially the Wise Old Crone and my expectation of miracles!

    1. Happy to hear that you see yourself as the Wise Crone, Barb. Me, too! And she got to ride and deliver her pressies on OWL. How cool is that?

  9. very nice article. useful gift ideas.

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