Meet Lore

I am Lore...Lorraine Monique Raymond.
I am also a Heart-Centered Visionary, Intuitive Connector, and Transformational Author.

Click here for My Life's Passport
Rewind: When my Scottish grandmother first met six pound Baby Lore, she felt Lorraine was too big a name for such a wee one. She nicknamed me Lore, like story.

Fast forward: On New Year's Day, January 1, 2016, this vision statement emerged: 
Passionate, Prospering Partnerships in Sacred Service or P3 + S2.
Upon reflection, I realize that my greatest joy is sharing my journey and the wisdom I've picked up along the way. When I share and teach, time stops. Do you know that feeling? Some marketing experts have advised me to only highlight my successes. I've realized that sharing my fail forwards might connect us at a deeper level. So please check out My Life's Passport.

Happily seeing myself as a spiritual tour guide, I enjoy serving others. I do this by weaving together the three mantles of being a heart-centered visionary, intuitive connector and, transformational author. Traveling more of the world is on my Leap List. I am a forever teacher-student.  For 30 years, I've worked to empower women to live with NO REGRETS! I love sharing my passions of writing, traveling, and visioning.

Through this journey I've designed and delivered what many have called life changing experiences, These include the online courses of the Divine Dialogue Writing System™, Create Your Master Vision Map and, Women as Visionaries.

Some have called me creative, charismatic, mystical, and a Vision Queen. 
I've been the first in many arenas: the first in the Raymond family to attend college; member of the Olympic Arts Festival; Executive Director, Downtown Development Association Plattsburgh, NY, and more.
My strong intuitive gifts allow me to expertly see the big picture vision of where you want to go, coupled with the smaller, detailed vision of how to get there.
That’s what I hope to do now: Open your heart and empower YOU with the tools, knowledge, and experiences to remember your dreams--and then to take inspired action!

While co-leading a tour group in 2008, Don Jorge Luis Delgado, my Peruvian shaman friend, surprised me by asking,
"Do you know who you are?"
I wanted to say, "Well, of course I do!"
I'm grateful that I paused and replied, "No."
He continued, "You are a chacaruna."  

Then he pulled a sacred condor feather from the silver hilt of his shamanic fan and gave it to me. He challenged me to help connect people on earth to their heaven now. Later I'd learn that chacaruna literally means a bridge person. Now I am working with women like you to do just that: bridge the impossible to the possible.

I've been writing since I could. By age 10, I had engaged a dozen pen pals. That's when I fell in love with The Word. My mom jokingly tells the story that had she known how many Hallmark cards I would've sent, she would have bought stock! Dreams are now coming true. My words will be shared in three anthologies this year. So how did this happen? It happened through a spiritual practice that's evolved over eight years. I now teach this spiritual practice that I developed. It's called the Divine Dialogue Writing System. 

Practice makes perfect. So for four years, I've also been blogging three times a week on the Women as Visionaries with Lore Raymond Magazine. I'm not alone. I've been blessed to attract and write with talented women contributors. We are writers from Honduras to Canada to Iowa to the UK.
Finally, I first put on the mantle of writer because of a dear friend's encouragement. Now in our ninth year, I've hosted a Meet Up for women writers in Tampa Bay, Florida.

P.S. The newest mantle to wear is that of grandmother. Blake, just one-year young, is my spiritual teacher.
For three decades, I've called St. Petersburg, Florida, my heart's home base for love and work.

P.P.S. Visit My Life's Passport to learn more about my successes and fail forwards.

P.P.P.S. If you feel a connection, then why not schedule an Explore More! session with me?

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