Tuesday, March 8, 2016

5 Ways to Celebrate International Women's Day!

Did you know that March 8 marks three auspicious events: Commonwealth Day in Canada, the NewMoon, and International Women's Day? So why not combine all three events into one Global Girls'Gala? The round, inclusive table is set with grandmother's linen and china; sterling from a first marriage and; fresh tropical flowers--because don't we all want to relax on a tropical island sometime? Tonight's the night! Your gathering is a symbolic effort to celebrate ALL the women of the world. 

Decide who's coming. Make an imaginary list of  women you'd love to meet --AND-- a list of BFFs in town. Tell them that this late supper is at 7 pm -- the New Moon is officially at her darkest at 8:33 pm EST. And the menu? Well, pancakes, crepes, and waffles of course! And they're all served with piping hot Canadian maple syrup. You're invited to slather everything generously with real butter and dot with fresh blueberries and strawberries.

Once everyone's seated, and your late supper is being served, here are five things you can do to celebrate International Women's Day:

Share your own grace to bless the food, friendships, and women everywhere. Don't know a grace? Make one up. You start with a sentence, then each person adds a sentence, going around the table, one by one, until the grace is completed and you say "AMEN."

Since we are extensions of our ancestors and the Divine Feminine, invite each women to complete this sentence which some call a "Matriarchal Chant":
 I am____________, (your full name); daughter of ______________; mother of __________ ; granddaughter of __________________________ and ________________________________. My family roots are from ____________(country) where my ancestors were _____________ . (livelihood).

Think of a favorite woman from another country, past or present. Introduce her to the circle, sharing what you like about and what you've learned from her. If you know her name, great. If not, that's alright too. Sometimes people leave footprints on our soul without being formally introduced. Ask everyone gathered to lift their glasses and toast when each person has shared. If the woman you spoke of is alive, make a commitment to connect with her in the week ahead. Be fearless if it's someone you don't know, and have admired from afar!

Randomly open to any atlas page and see where you "travel" to. Ask who's been there and to share their experience. Don't have an atlas? Using the letter in your guest's first name, find a country or town that starts with the same letter on your phone or iPad. Again, investigate who might have visited there or nearby. Share your VISION (bucket) LIST of where you want to visit and the experience you seek.

Open a window or a door. Look at the New Moon. The idea is to symbolically connect with the larger community through air and breath. Close the evening with a circle of gratitude. Start by giving thanks for a woman who's name starts with A then B, and so on until you reach Z. Then start again. Go around in yet another circle, giving thanks for each woman who is present, real or imaginary.

Finally, have each guest give thanks for one aspect that they love about themselves, and one thing they will do to share their open heart with the world.

Then, time to go home, home sweet home...

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